Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Patrick: DESA retreat continued...

Methinks Brian did a pretty thorough job explaining the weekend's events. I think we would never have gone to Wakayama if not for this trip. We were lucky to get a chance to experience what was in a sense a bonding event for building camaraderie among new and old members of the DESA circle. As foreigners, we were also treated with an extraordinary degree of politeness and friendship by all the Japanese students. They were all very enthusiastic about conversing and interacting with us despite our lack of deep vocabulary.

Like Brian, I think the best part of the trip was the bbq and the nomikai, drinking party, afterwards. The food was plentiful and the variety of alcohol was staggering. It makes me wish I wasn't such a lightweight because it's embarrassing turning red after just one beer. The thing is though, I don't think I am as drunk as I seem to appear (I am sober now while writing this). At least compared to Yuzo (Brian mentioned him earlier) I still remember the events of that night and I wasn't the least bit tired. I must admit, however, my motor coordination was nowhere near perfect.

Here are the pictures I took on the trip. Brian rarely took out his camera so you have to make do with just my perspective. Notice the absurd number of girls on the trip... Why can't our trips be like this at home?



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